MonoBis ProteinA Column

 MonoBis ProA Column is immobilized with recombinant protein A onto a silica monolith offering fast separation of antibodies.  Feutures
  • Optimized silica monolith pore structure for antibody separation.
  • Fast separetion of IgG in 15 seconds.
  • Wide quantitative range( The amount of antibody can be quantified up to 120 mg )


  • Material : Silica monolith
  • Macro pore size:1.4 μm
  • Meso pore size:60nm
  • Ligand:Recombiant Protein A
  • Column size: 3 mm I.D. x 20 mm

High-speed separation of antibodies in CHO cell culture

Solvent A : 20 mM Phosphate buffer + 400 mmol NaCl(pH 7.0)
Solvent B : 100mM glycine-HCl buffer (pH 2.5)
Solvent switching : 0 → 0.02 min. Solvent A
0.02 → 0.15 min. Solvent B
0.15 → 0.25 min. Solvent A
Flow rate : 2.4 ml/min
Detector : 280 nm
Temperature : 30℃
Sample : CHO cell culture supernatant

The antibody concentration in the CHO cell culture solution can be measured in 15 seconds!!

Compare to conventional soft gels, using hard silica monolith as a support it can get a high-speed processing.

igG calibration curve

Linearity up to 120 μg IgG (R2 > 0.999)